How much stress does a move generate and how to avoid it?

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How much stress does a move generate and how to avoid it?

Does moving generate stress for us?

Moving can be, according to experts, one of the most stressful situations in our lives. Not only because it involves dismantling and setting up an entire house, but also because it involves a change to a new situation that generates high levels of uncertainty.

Especially if the move is not voluntary or is accompanied by a separation, conflict, or an economic reason, stress is generated long before the actual move begins.

Psychologists classify moving among the three situations that generate the most stress in people, given the physical exhaustion and emotional fatigue caused by everything surrounding a major change such as a home move.

However, there are certain guidelines you can follow to turn your move into a pleasant experience.


The first piece of advice that psychologists offer us in this situation is to face the change in a positive way and with as much joy as possible.

We must, therefore, interpret the change as something good, and although we may leave behind many cherished memories, we must also reflect on all the positive things that the new situation can bring us: new neighbors, perhaps a more cozy, brighter, and more economical house, new decoration, other projects, different experiences, etc. In short, we must use positivity to face this change.


In a move, planning is the most important thing. Ideally, we should have about three weeks before the move to think about how we are going to carry out the packing and moving of our belongings, especially those to which we are most attached, since their loss or damage could cause some sadness.

Thus, planning and organization should be the protagonists of our move. We must anticipate the steps to be taken and have a very clear idea of where we are going to start. If you are going to do the move on your own, it is best to continue in a room once you have started packing all its contents.

But, in any case, it is advisable to hire a moving company to have professionals take care of the move and packing, as this greatly reduces nervousness and anxiety about the work to be done. There are companies that pack everything in the old house and place it perfectly in the new one, which will make the move practically unnoticed in terms of effort.


Moving implies a change that we must face positively in our life, as growth and evolution. Therefore, it is important to take the opportunity to get rid of all those things that we do not use but that take up a lot of space at home and steal a lot of energy from us. A move is a very suitable situation to do a clean-up of everything we don’t need.

Feeling accompanied

To avoid the stress of a move, having help is essential. It is a good time to call on our relatives or friends to lend a hand with organization, and even to give their opinion on the decoration of the new home. This will reduce the level of work and also turn this experience into a social event where we will share new experiences with our loved ones. Having the opinions and recommendations of close people can always help us to solve difficult situations that, for certain circumstances, are difficult for us to face.

Healthy lifestyle

Another fundamental piece of advice from psychologists is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and take care of ourselves at all levels. It is true that we should do this every day of our lives, but during the days when we are carrying out a move, it is vital. The most appropriate thing is to respect meal and sleep schedules, sleep for 8 hours a day, and have a balanced diet.

In addition, if we plan the move in advance, we can always occupy certain gaps to take small breaks daily that allow us to continue enjoying moments of leisure. This will help us release tensions and oxygenate ourselves properly.

More advice:

If you’re leaving your city to move to a different one and want to avoid all the stress of the process, we recommend a specialized moving company like IMS Movers to help you with packing, handling, and transportation of your belongings to your new home.